Tiffany Danielle Elliott holds a paper cone up to a hanging wooden box. Students look on.

Tiffany Danielle Elliott: I Promise I Won’t Scream

In September 2022, Jack Straw and Arts and Visually Impaired Audiences (AVIA) presented an accessible youth and family art workshop at Jack Straw in conjunction with Tiffany Danielle Elliott‘s I promise I won’t scream, a sound and sculpture installation about the sounds we keep inside when under pressure.

Participants experienced Elliott’s work in the New Media Gallery with an audio description by Jesse Minkert of Arts and Visually Impaired Audiences. After exploring the installation and hearing from Elliott about her process and inspiration, participants constructed wooden boxes and explored the concept of sound vibration and how it can be theoretically stored in different physical materials. Participants then recorded their voices in the Jack Straw studios with Jack Straw engineer Daniel Guenther. Elliott guided participants through the process of verbalizing “wants” and “don’t-wants.”  Daniel and participants then compiled voice recordings into a short sequence which they listened to in the New Media Gallery, alongside Elliott’s installation.

Listen: I Promise I Won’t Scream workshop audio piece



This program was made possible with support from the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, 4Culture/King County Lodging Tax, Washington State Arts Commission, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington State Department of Services for the Blind, and individual contributors.

This program was provided in part under a contract with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.


High-contrast portrait of Tiffany Danielle Elliott on a blue background, with the text "I think a lot about love / why we do / and wy we don't" superimposed in pink.

Tiffany Danielle Elliott

Tiffany Danielle Elliott is a Seattle based curator and artist who works in performative enactment, text(ile), and digital objects. In both her art and curatorial practice, she is focused…

Photo of Jesse Minkert

Jesse Minkert

Jesse Minkert’s work has appeared in about fifty literary journals including the Cream City Review, Confrontation, Mount Hope, the Floating Bridge Review, the Minetta Review, Poetry Northwest, Common Knowledge…



Words projected in white on a brick wall, some obscured by a square shape in the foreground. Words outline steps 3 through 6, beginning "push out the don't want" and ending "let out silent screams to release pressure, as needed."

Tiffany Danielle Elliott | I promise I won't scream

August 26-October 14, 2022

Visits by appointment, M-F, 10am-5:30pm
Call 206-634-0919 or email to schedule a visit

Opening Reception: Friday, August…