Since 2016 Jack Straw’s artist team has helped students at Denny International Middle School to write and record their own original poetry in Spanish, and published bilingual anthologies of the students’ poems. Additional projects include Mercer and Chinook Middle Schools.

Our Dual Language Poetry Projects
Illustration of a diverse group of youth standing in front of a background of flags.

La Vida Latina: Poesía de Denny 2024 READ MORE >

Nuestras Historias Contadas: Poesía de Denny 2023 READ MORE >

Todo es posible: Poesía de Chinook READ MORE >

Illustration showing a globe inside a heart floating above an open hand, with flags behind and outlines of people above.

Tu Mundo, Nuestro Mundo: Poesía de Denny 2022 READ MORE >

Voces Locas: Poesía de Mercer 2022 READ MORE >

Cover illustration for the Denny 2021 Anthology: The words El Año Cuando Cambió Todo, with 3 drawings of people wearing face masks over half their faces

El Año Cuando Cambió Todo: Poesía de Denny 2021 READ MORE >

Cover illustration for the Mercer 2021 Anthology: A drawing of two people holding hands with pages around them. Above: Mercer International Middle School; below: Los Poemas de nuestros corazones! Jack Straw Cultural Center

Los Poemas de Nuestros Corazones: Poesía de Mercer 2021 READ MORE >

Portrait of a student in front of camera

Las Voces del Futuro: Poesía de Denny 2020 READ MORE >

Fuera de la Caja: Poesía de Denny 2019 READ MORE >

Este Árbol Soy Yo: Poesía de Denny 2018 READ MORE >

Porque Venimos de Todo: Poesía de Denny 2017 READ MORE >

Historias del Vecindario: Poesía de Denny 2016 READ MORE >