Jack Straw has worked with the students at Denny International Middle School since 2012 on a range of projects, from audio journalism and immigration stories to Spanish-language poetry.

Projects at Denny Middle School
Illustration of a diverse group of youth standing in front of a background of flags.

La Vida Latina: Poesía de Denny 2024 READ MORE >

Nuestras Historias Contadas: Poesía de Denny 2023 READ MORE >

Illustration showing a globe inside a heart floating above an open hand, with flags behind and outlines of people above.

Tu Mundo, Nuestro Mundo: Poesía de Denny 2022 READ MORE >

Cover illustration for the Denny 2021 Anthology: The words El Año Cuando Cambió Todo, with 3 drawings of people wearing face masks over half their faces

El Año Cuando Cambió Todo: Poesía de Denny 2021 READ MORE >

Portrait of a student in front of camera

Las Voces del Futuro: Poesía de Denny 2020 READ MORE >

Fuera de la Caja: Poesía de Denny 2019 READ MORE >

Este Árbol Soy Yo: Poesía de Denny 2018 READ MORE >

Porque Venimos de Todo: Poesía de Denny 2017 READ MORE >

Historias del Vecindario: Poesía de Denny 2016 READ MORE >

Immigration Portraits: Voices from Denny 2015 READ MORE >

Voices Denny Middle School 2014

Immigration Portraits: Voices from Denny 2014 READ MORE >

Voices from Denny 2013 - sq

Immigration Portraits: Voices from Denny 2013 READ MORE >

Meet Me at the Fair: Denny Middle School Radio Series 2012 READ MORE >

Recent Posts About This Program
Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month

October 13, 2020

September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month! We’ve been celebrating on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook and via our Artist of the Week podcast, and we hope you’ll join us in taking this opportunity to explore a wealth of music, poetry, and other art by Hispanic and Latinx artists of all ages featured in various […]

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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Categories: Writers Program, Youth Education Programs

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