Perri Lynch Howard
Perri Lynch Howard is an artist dedicated to forging new narratives from the front lines of climate change. Working in the context of extreme environments is an essential aspect of her creative practice, expressed through painting, drawing, sculpture and sound. Originally from Marblehead, Massachusetts, Perri received her BA from The Evergreen State College, BFA from the University of Washington, and MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Honors include an Artist Trust Fellowship, McMillen Fellowship, Seattle City Artist Grant, and multiple 4Culture Special Project Grants. Perri’s art has a global reach through projects completed in Italy, Portugal, Brazil, Canada, and in South India as a Fulbright Scholar.
Artist Support Program 2023: Svalbard Speaks
New Media Gallery 2021-22 (invitational): On Our Watch
New Media Gallery 2011-12: CARTASONIC (with Lara Swimmer and Robert Zimmer )

Perri Lynch | Precisely Known, Completely Lost READ MORE >

Perri Lynch Howard | On Our Watch READ MORE >

Perri Lynch, Lara Swimmer, and Robert Zimmer | CARTASONIC READ MORE >
Sound Clips
Education Projects

Perri Lynch Howard: On Our Watch READ MORE >