Photo of Josh Griffin

Josh Griffin

Joshua E. Griffin (who goes by Josh) lives life learning love(d). Experiences through travel and letting go of self, have allowed him to walk a decolonization path of unlearning and healing. Quote: I am my ancestors’ wildest dreams – you are your ancestors’ collective reality. A biography cannot highlight nor summarize an existence. If you wish to know Josh’s story or who I am . . . speak to the people who know/knew him. His existence lives in all of the living creatures he has met. I am not a poet. I am not a Peace Corps volunteer. I am not my degree(s). I am not your negro. I am . . . me! The manifesting of creation. Known as poetry.

P.S. – The world is a better place because YOU are in it.

2024 Writers Program

Sound Clips
  • Josh Griffin, wearing headphones, standing at a microphone.
    A Healing Journey - Josh Griffin