Joe Diebes
Joe Diebes (b. 1972) creates works that converge around the categories of concert music, installations, and conceptual art. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Yale in 1995, where he studied composition formally with Jonathan Berger and Michael Tenzer while pursuing a degree in Literature and Philosophy. He also studied at Juilliard with Stanley Wolfe and privately with La Monte Young. He is a principal member of the performance/art company Gale Gates et al, and has collaborated with theater artists such as The Living Theater, George Coates Performance Works, Phil Soltanoff and Deb Fernandez, presenting work at the Kitchen, The Whitney Museum, the Ontologic Theater, the Williamstown Theater Festival, and the Belgrade International Theater Festival. He has received residencies and commissions from Music at the Anthology, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Engine 27, NY State Council on the Arts, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
New Media Gallery 2004-05: String Quartet No. 2

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